Monday, December 1, 2008

Why did I procastinate?

Somebody help me with this please!

I knew I had to finish up some stuff this weekend but I kept on delaying it until the last minute, this very wee hour. You know what I did the whole weekend? Friday night, I was out with family. Saturday, the whole day I spent watching tv - you don't know how tv-deprived I was. Saturday nite, I can't remember what I did actually. On Sunday, I woke up really late doing stuff I don't remember what the night before. I didn't go straight to work, instead I went cleaning up my room, rearranged and refolding clothes, took a long shower (my heater is broken! isk), watched some more tv, watched some dvd's, well until it was 11. I went to play games after that (that expert level on Majesty rox). Made some coffee, grilled some fish, downloaded some music, then only I started looking at the work I was supposed to do. It was 2am.

Why did I procastinate?

On a side note, have to work on soon. I don't think any meeting can be held before that FOSS meetup. So sad, there's something coming up on 3 - 5 Dec. Damn you government for holding so many events and what's that star rating.


  1. LOL!! Can't help you. I was up doing mymeeting the whole of saturday night. Didn't sleep a wink. But I think I only did very little, because most of the time was spent on a House Season 1 sprint. Yay!! Now I've got to look for season 2.. :P

  2. Kill your TV

  3. kaeru: i've killed it - but still relapsed once in a while especially if i'm in klang, couldn't help it
