Adda's birthday was yesterday. So that goes without saying, happy birthday!
Had my hair cut today. Woohoo!!! I've never had my hair so short like this for so many years. I feel so liberated.
Went out with a friend last night. And, ummm... something unexpected happened. I find it rather difficult to deal with, not sure why. Maybe because it's been such a long time and now I forgot how to react. But anyway, it's not something new. It just caught me off guard that's all. Don't know whether it's a good news or bad news, I'm still weighing it. I'm talking in riddles here so if you please, just ignore that.
Ok I'm starving now.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Aurat Wanita Lebih : Adilkah ?
Me: This is real. I love this kind of article. Backed up by quran and hadith, with not being biased at all. Intellectual discussion, that's the best. Thanks Hajime for the reference link!!!
"Ustaz mengapa kami kaum wanita kena tutup aurat banyak dan sukar, tapi lelaki sikit aja. Adil ke begitu ustaz?" Tanya seorang wanita yang bertitle PhD dalam bidang ekonomi kepada saya.
"Dr tahu tak berapa jarak matahari ke bumi? " Tanya saya membalas.
"Emm, tak ingat la ustaz, kenapa pulak? Bagaimana soalan saya tadi" Pakar ekonomi ini cuba mengingatkan saya.
adakah anda pernah menggunakan ini ke tempat kerja? Apa pandangan Islam tentangnya?"Cuba Dr bayangkan, kalau jarak antara matahari dan bumi ini tiba-tiba berubah jadi seinchi rapat, apa agaknya akan jadi kat kita?" Soal saya mengajaknya berfikir.
"Rasanya jika ikut teorinya, mesti hancur lebur dan cair penduduk bumi kot, ustaz" katanya.
"Jadinya, Dr setuju tak kalau saya kata bahawa Allah SWT begitu mahir dan amat tepat dalam seluruh urusannya, jika tidak..sudah tentu kita tak boleh hidup di dunia ni, bumi asyik berlaga, siang malam tak tentu hala dan tumbuhan semuanya kelam kabut tumbuhnya" Jelas saya sedikit panjang.
"Benar ustaz, saya amat bersetuju tentang Allah maha mengetahui dan berkuasa" katanya sambil mengangguk.
"Jika demikian, mengapa Dr boleh timbul rasa sangsi tentang keadilan dan kebijaksanaan Allah dalam mengarahkan wanita menutup aurat begini, dan lelaki begitu?" Saya cuba membawa semula kepada topik awalnya.
"Hmmm, ye tak ye jugak ustaz kan, betul-betul tak patut saya rasa begitu, astahgfirullahah azim " sambil menggeleng kepalanya perlahan.
Bagi sesetengah orang yang bijak, mungkin fakta ringkas saya tadi sudah cukup untuk memberi faham kepada jiwa dan hati. Walau bagaimanapun, ia mungkin sekali tidak berkesan buat setengah yang lain.
Click on the link above to read the rest of this article
"Ustaz mengapa kami kaum wanita kena tutup aurat banyak dan sukar, tapi lelaki sikit aja. Adil ke begitu ustaz?" Tanya seorang wanita yang bertitle PhD dalam bidang ekonomi kepada saya.
"Dr tahu tak berapa jarak matahari ke bumi? " Tanya saya membalas.
"Emm, tak ingat la ustaz, kenapa pulak? Bagaimana soalan saya tadi" Pakar ekonomi ini cuba mengingatkan saya.
adakah anda pernah menggunakan ini ke tempat kerja? Apa pandangan Islam tentangnya?"Cuba Dr bayangkan, kalau jarak antara matahari dan bumi ini tiba-tiba berubah jadi seinchi rapat, apa agaknya akan jadi kat kita?" Soal saya mengajaknya berfikir.
"Rasanya jika ikut teorinya, mesti hancur lebur dan cair penduduk bumi kot, ustaz" katanya.
"Jadinya, Dr setuju tak kalau saya kata bahawa Allah SWT begitu mahir dan amat tepat dalam seluruh urusannya, jika tidak..sudah tentu kita tak boleh hidup di dunia ni, bumi asyik berlaga, siang malam tak tentu hala dan tumbuhan semuanya kelam kabut tumbuhnya" Jelas saya sedikit panjang.
"Benar ustaz, saya amat bersetuju tentang Allah maha mengetahui dan berkuasa" katanya sambil mengangguk.
"Jika demikian, mengapa Dr boleh timbul rasa sangsi tentang keadilan dan kebijaksanaan Allah dalam mengarahkan wanita menutup aurat begini, dan lelaki begitu?" Saya cuba membawa semula kepada topik awalnya.
"Hmmm, ye tak ye jugak ustaz kan, betul-betul tak patut saya rasa begitu, astahgfirullahah azim " sambil menggeleng kepalanya perlahan.
Bagi sesetengah orang yang bijak, mungkin fakta ringkas saya tadi sudah cukup untuk memberi faham kepada jiwa dan hati. Walau bagaimanapun, ia mungkin sekali tidak berkesan buat setengah yang lain.
Click on the link above to read the rest of this article
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Went to IKEA today, got myself a new under bed storage. Was planning to some office work but there went my precious hours. I got deadline coming! Shit. Things at work is not helping either. I'm particularly grumpy about someone. I think I'm being taken advantage of coz I'm being too nice and helpful. Oh hell.
Anyways I spent so much time replying mails to my friends tonight. Heck I spent all night! I don't know when can I find the time to do it so I took a chance tonight. Some of the replying were already due and beyond any dueness. So, I don't know what to say anymore.
Oh yes I got a letter from Hussein's father. Just an introductory one but who cares. Hassan drew me a hand of his. Not really drew but traced the outline of his hand. So small. His father wrote in Arabic (with translation in English below). I can still read and understand it you know. 8 years of studying it, it doesn't go away easily does it. Just that he wrote it really fast and some of the gigi just hilang and replaced by lines instead. I used to write like that. Now my hand is all keras since no more practice.
French on the other hand, with only 2 semesters of it it's fading really fast. Help!
The other day I went for a pedicure with Adda. Oh my goodness did that feel so good I almost fell asleep. My feet now feels silky smooth with shiny and buffed nails.... hehehehehe...
Anyways I spent so much time replying mails to my friends tonight. Heck I spent all night! I don't know when can I find the time to do it so I took a chance tonight. Some of the replying were already due and beyond any dueness. So, I don't know what to say anymore.
Oh yes I got a letter from Hussein's father. Just an introductory one but who cares. Hassan drew me a hand of his. Not really drew but traced the outline of his hand. So small. His father wrote in Arabic (with translation in English below). I can still read and understand it you know. 8 years of studying it, it doesn't go away easily does it. Just that he wrote it really fast and some of the gigi just hilang and replaced by lines instead. I used to write like that. Now my hand is all keras since no more practice.
French on the other hand, with only 2 semesters of it it's fading really fast. Help!
The other day I went for a pedicure with Adda. Oh my goodness did that feel so good I almost fell asleep. My feet now feels silky smooth with shiny and buffed nails.... hehehehehe...
Friday, March 16, 2007
Duduk lama boleh bawa maut
Darah pekerja habiskan masa berjam-jam hadap komputer mungkin jadi beku
WELLINGTON: Pekerja pejabat yang menghabiskan masa terlalu lama duduk di meja masing-masing meletakkan nyawa mereka pada risiko tinggi, kata penyelidik.
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan di New Zealand mendapati mereka berisiko tinggi menghadapi masalah darah beku yang boleh membawa maut.
Penyelidik mendapat satu pertiga daripada pesakit yang dimasukkan ke hospital kerana menghidap trombosis pembuluh darah vena (DVT) atau pembekuan darah, adalah pekerja pejabat yang menghabiskan masa berjam-jam mengadap komputer.
Kajian akan disiarkan dalam New Zealand Medical Journal.
DVT ialah pembentukan darah beku dalam pembunuh darah vena, terutama di kaki.
Pembekuan boleh merebak ke hati, paru-paru atau otak, menyebabkan sakit dada, sesak nafas dan kemungkinan maut disebabkan serangan jantung atau angin ahmar.
Keadaan itu juga digelar sebagai ‘sindrom kelas ekonomi’ kerana penumpang yang duduk dalam penerbangan jarak jauh tanpa ruang untuk meregangkan badan, dianggap paling berisiko menghadapi masalah itu.
Penyelidik New Zealand memeriksa contoh 62 pesakit yang dimasukkan ke hospital dengan masalah darah beku, dan mendapati 34 peratus daripadanya duduk di meja mereka untuk jangka waktu lama.
Sebagai perbandingan, 21 peratus baru-baru ini menaiki penerbangan jarak jauh. Bagaimanapun, penyelidik menerima bahawa lebih ramai duduk di meja mereka dalam jangka panjang berbanding berada dalam penerbangan jarak jauh.
Ketua penyelidik, Profesor Richard Beasley, berkata sebahagian pekerja pejabat yang menghidap masalah itu duduk di depan skrin di meja mereka selama 14 jam sehari.
“Sebahagian daripada mereka duduk berterusan selama tiga atau empat jam pada satu-satu masa tanpa bangun langsung,” katanya.
Profesor Beasley berkata, masalah ialah yang paling biasa dalam industri teknologi maklumat dan pusat panggilan.
Pakar Psikologi dan Kesihatan Universiti Lancaster, Profesor Cary Cooper, berkata dia tidak terperanjat dengan penemuan itu.
Katanya, orang ramai bekerja lebih lama berbanding sebelum ini, dan selalunya tidak menikmati rehat makan tengah hari dengan sempurna, sebaliknya cuma mengambil sandwic sambil melayan emel.
“Pekerja pejabat tidak bangun dan berjalan seperti yang mereka pernah lakukan,” katanya.
DVT menjejaskan kira-kira 100,000 orang dan membunuh sehingga 1,000 pesakit di Britain setiap tahun.– Agensi
p/s: errrrr.....
WELLINGTON: Pekerja pejabat yang menghabiskan masa terlalu lama duduk di meja masing-masing meletakkan nyawa mereka pada risiko tinggi, kata penyelidik.
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan di New Zealand mendapati mereka berisiko tinggi menghadapi masalah darah beku yang boleh membawa maut.
Penyelidik mendapat satu pertiga daripada pesakit yang dimasukkan ke hospital kerana menghidap trombosis pembuluh darah vena (DVT) atau pembekuan darah, adalah pekerja pejabat yang menghabiskan masa berjam-jam mengadap komputer.
Kajian akan disiarkan dalam New Zealand Medical Journal.
DVT ialah pembentukan darah beku dalam pembunuh darah vena, terutama di kaki.
Pembekuan boleh merebak ke hati, paru-paru atau otak, menyebabkan sakit dada, sesak nafas dan kemungkinan maut disebabkan serangan jantung atau angin ahmar.
Keadaan itu juga digelar sebagai ‘sindrom kelas ekonomi’ kerana penumpang yang duduk dalam penerbangan jarak jauh tanpa ruang untuk meregangkan badan, dianggap paling berisiko menghadapi masalah itu.
Penyelidik New Zealand memeriksa contoh 62 pesakit yang dimasukkan ke hospital dengan masalah darah beku, dan mendapati 34 peratus daripadanya duduk di meja mereka untuk jangka waktu lama.
Sebagai perbandingan, 21 peratus baru-baru ini menaiki penerbangan jarak jauh. Bagaimanapun, penyelidik menerima bahawa lebih ramai duduk di meja mereka dalam jangka panjang berbanding berada dalam penerbangan jarak jauh.
Ketua penyelidik, Profesor Richard Beasley, berkata sebahagian pekerja pejabat yang menghidap masalah itu duduk di depan skrin di meja mereka selama 14 jam sehari.
“Sebahagian daripada mereka duduk berterusan selama tiga atau empat jam pada satu-satu masa tanpa bangun langsung,” katanya.
Profesor Beasley berkata, masalah ialah yang paling biasa dalam industri teknologi maklumat dan pusat panggilan.
Pakar Psikologi dan Kesihatan Universiti Lancaster, Profesor Cary Cooper, berkata dia tidak terperanjat dengan penemuan itu.
Katanya, orang ramai bekerja lebih lama berbanding sebelum ini, dan selalunya tidak menikmati rehat makan tengah hari dengan sempurna, sebaliknya cuma mengambil sandwic sambil melayan emel.
“Pekerja pejabat tidak bangun dan berjalan seperti yang mereka pernah lakukan,” katanya.
DVT menjejaskan kira-kira 100,000 orang dan membunuh sehingga 1,000 pesakit di Britain setiap tahun.– Agensi
p/s: errrrr.....
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Wonders of the world
1. Go to
2. Search for beyonce listen live
3. Pick the one with Oprah show in it
4. Watch and listen
2. Search for beyonce listen live
3. Pick the one with Oprah show in it
4. Watch and listen
Monday, March 12, 2007
Ammar is home again! He's time with PLKN is now over. Today is when the SPM results will come out.
This morning when we were having breakfast while watching tv, there were lots of messages wishing everybody else good luck. You know the messages they put in the scrolling bar down at the bottom. I didn't want to make any remarks at all in Ammar's presence although a while before that I did mention to mak, "Result ari ni kuar kan??".
I was having breakfast peacefully until abah broke out, reading out out the messages on the tv. He was actually trying to figure out the shothands people do these days - Wat ape tu hrp bjy dlm spm.... stuff like that. Ammar was ignoring all of it and suddenly he hissed, "Ni ape sume cakap pasal spm nih???", to which I answered, "Ala rilek laaa".
I remember my feelings when I was facing the same day years ago. I know how it feels especially when you have parents like we do.... hehehehe..... So, I was already late for work and I got up. I walked to my room to get my bag and laptop. Ammar was following me and and then he was standing at my door. He was just standing there and smiling. I know there's something on his mind right there but I couldn't figure out what. Did I promise him anything that I haven't done?? Was I suppose to do something? I was asking him what's going on repeatedly but he kept on just looking at me back. He was just standing there and making me nervous.
Not until I walked out the front door did he say "Aiiii tak wish ape2 keeeeerrr". He has this soft spoken voice that melts everyone's heart. Alahai Ammar... adikku yang sorang ni. Cairla hati kaklong. Bukannya takde niat nak wish, cuma taknak buat hati bertambah gundah gulana je. Lastly I gave him 2 pecks on each cheeks. Insyaallah kalau dah usaha dan tawakal, apa sahaja yang terjadi redha je la dengan rezeki. But you know what, I know it's going to be good. He's a smart young man and I'm not worried at all. For all I know, whatever happens he will stay brilliant in our hearts.
UPDATE: Now what did I tell you? 12A with 9A1. Looks like whatever books or how many he's gonna ask mak to buy, mak will do it without questions. I am overjoyed I can't tell you how much. Rasa cam nak joget pung ada....hahahaha
This morning when we were having breakfast while watching tv, there were lots of messages wishing everybody else good luck. You know the messages they put in the scrolling bar down at the bottom. I didn't want to make any remarks at all in Ammar's presence although a while before that I did mention to mak, "Result ari ni kuar kan??".
I was having breakfast peacefully until abah broke out, reading out out the messages on the tv. He was actually trying to figure out the shothands people do these days - Wat ape tu hrp bjy dlm spm.... stuff like that. Ammar was ignoring all of it and suddenly he hissed, "Ni ape sume cakap pasal spm nih???", to which I answered, "Ala rilek laaa".
I remember my feelings when I was facing the same day years ago. I know how it feels especially when you have parents like we do.... hehehehe..... So, I was already late for work and I got up. I walked to my room to get my bag and laptop. Ammar was following me and and then he was standing at my door. He was just standing there and smiling. I know there's something on his mind right there but I couldn't figure out what. Did I promise him anything that I haven't done?? Was I suppose to do something? I was asking him what's going on repeatedly but he kept on just looking at me back. He was just standing there and making me nervous.
Not until I walked out the front door did he say "Aiiii tak wish ape2 keeeeerrr". He has this soft spoken voice that melts everyone's heart. Alahai Ammar... adikku yang sorang ni. Cairla hati kaklong. Bukannya takde niat nak wish, cuma taknak buat hati bertambah gundah gulana je. Lastly I gave him 2 pecks on each cheeks. Insyaallah kalau dah usaha dan tawakal, apa sahaja yang terjadi redha je la dengan rezeki. But you know what, I know it's going to be good. He's a smart young man and I'm not worried at all. For all I know, whatever happens he will stay brilliant in our hearts.
UPDATE: Now what did I tell you? 12A with 9A1. Looks like whatever books or how many he's gonna ask mak to buy, mak will do it without questions. I am overjoyed I can't tell you how much. Rasa cam nak joget pung ada....hahahaha
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
One corner of my room
Circle the answer. I dare not show the rest of it because:
a) I'm just too lazy,
b) The rest is just so messy I'll be embarassed,
c) The point is for you to have an idea how the wall looks like so why nak lebey plak,
d) I'm afraid of turning to pink geek,
e) I won't let you look at my other private stuff, or
f) Tuuuuuuutt....
I'm off to bed.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Ungranted old wish
By ways of Adda, once again I found such beautiful lyrics. What a hell of a writer.
I've heard this before long time ago but never quite remember to search for it. Now it's the only song on my playlist. I listen to it non-stop today.
I mean why can't I write like that?? Why? WHY??! Huhuhuhuhu....
I wish I could write like that. I mean it's okay if I can't write it down, just to have it conceived in my mind is good enough. But then again, if I'm good at writing I won't be who I am today. So I guess that's fair enough.
Okay I don't about how others see this song but here's my take. You might get bored so I suggest you stop reading and move on... :P Okay, obviously she's in love. And she's telling a story of the man she loves. She describes him in the song. The man is probably shy and kind, the kind of those of treats women with respect. Too shy maybe that sometimes she feels he's not opening up to her. He's probably also goofy or maybe he's just so smitten by her, so much that he keeps stumbling for words when he's around her. She understands that they have different influences or backgrounds or maybe even culture but she's willing to sacrifice on her part to become part of his life. She seems to know him well. And she's one smart lady. She doesn't seem like a person who gives up everything just like that. Only with this man, she just can't help herself to fall so deeply for him. Everything just doesn't matter anymore because she loves him so much, nothing can ever change that. Even if he's not doing something right. She sees it as a flaw in this man. Not intentional of course but the mistakes are what makes her attracted to him more everyday. She sees some things that would've been a great weakness in a man as the greatest strength and she clearly admires him for that. Being fashion savvy and have a great sense of humor is such a plus point for every man but he doesn't have that. He struggles with clothes and seldom success in telling a joke. Most of the time he just laughs at himself for not succeeding. And she loves him for being able to look at the bright side of things. He really cares for her but sometimes people do forget and he feels bad everytime he does. And she seems fine with that since she knows he's doing his best. She loves him for that.
The most important thing here is if you haven't noticed yet, she describes us all the flaws a man can have but still he has a woman who loves him. In her eyes the things that most people regard as weaknesses is where she finds him perfect. She accepts him the way as he is. I think they compliment each other so much they're going to be there for each other for life. Relationship is not easy, you have to compromise a lot. She clearly has a lot of faith in this man. And I can tell that she will be for a long time.
Hmm.... okay that's it. I'm going to bed.
When you have to look away
When you don't have much to say
That's when I love you
I love you just that way
To hear you stumble when you speak
Or see you walk with two left feet
That's when I love you
I love you endlessly
And when you're mad cuz you lost a game
Forget I'm waiting in the rain
Baby I love you
I love you anyway
I've heard this before long time ago but never quite remember to search for it. Now it's the only song on my playlist. I listen to it non-stop today.
Cuz here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
Cuz that's when I love you
When nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn, the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you
When I love you no matter what
I mean why can't I write like that?? Why? WHY??! Huhuhuhuhu....
So when you turn to hide your eyes
Cause the movie it made you cry
That's when I love you
I love you a little more each time
And when you can't quite match your clothes
Or when you laugh at your own jokes
That's when I love you
I love you more than you'll know
And when you forget that we had a date
Or that look that you give when you show up late
Baby I love you
I love you anyway
I wish I could write like that. I mean it's okay if I can't write it down, just to have it conceived in my mind is good enough. But then again, if I'm good at writing I won't be who I am today. So I guess that's fair enough.
Okay I don't about how others see this song but here's my take. You might get bored so I suggest you stop reading and move on... :P Okay, obviously she's in love. And she's telling a story of the man she loves. She describes him in the song. The man is probably shy and kind, the kind of those of treats women with respect. Too shy maybe that sometimes she feels he's not opening up to her. He's probably also goofy or maybe he's just so smitten by her, so much that he keeps stumbling for words when he's around her. She understands that they have different influences or backgrounds or maybe even culture but she's willing to sacrifice on her part to become part of his life. She seems to know him well. And she's one smart lady. She doesn't seem like a person who gives up everything just like that. Only with this man, she just can't help herself to fall so deeply for him. Everything just doesn't matter anymore because she loves him so much, nothing can ever change that. Even if he's not doing something right. She sees it as a flaw in this man. Not intentional of course but the mistakes are what makes her attracted to him more everyday. She sees some things that would've been a great weakness in a man as the greatest strength and she clearly admires him for that. Being fashion savvy and have a great sense of humor is such a plus point for every man but he doesn't have that. He struggles with clothes and seldom success in telling a joke. Most of the time he just laughs at himself for not succeeding. And she loves him for being able to look at the bright side of things. He really cares for her but sometimes people do forget and he feels bad everytime he does. And she seems fine with that since she knows he's doing his best. She loves him for that.
The most important thing here is if you haven't noticed yet, she describes us all the flaws a man can have but still he has a woman who loves him. In her eyes the things that most people regard as weaknesses is where she finds him perfect. She accepts him the way as he is. I think they compliment each other so much they're going to be there for each other for life. Relationship is not easy, you have to compromise a lot. She clearly has a lot of faith in this man. And I can tell that she will be for a long time.
Hmm.... okay that's it. I'm going to bed.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek.
Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek.
I just had to do that. For the sake of tomorrows to remind me of what state I'm in right now so when I look back one day I know that I've definitely been there. What an urge.
Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek. Freek.
I just had to do that. For the sake of tomorrows to remind me of what state I'm in right now so when I look back one day I know that I've definitely been there. What an urge.
Friday, March 2, 2007
I need a small desk in my room now!!
Last night when I was doing my work on the bed, I fell asleep just like that. I had never fallen asleep like that my entire life.
Last night when I was doing my work on the bed, I fell asleep just like that. I had never fallen asleep like that my entire life.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Pink Walls
I now officially have a very pink room. I wanted red but they bought pink instead. Oh well. Fine. At least I had fun participating in painting the wall. And now my bed is single, queen no more. With the most comfortable mattress in the world. The first night I slept on it aka last 2 nights, I woke up really late. Didn't know what happen actually. My alarm didn't go off I think. And it's probably because since it's located at the other end of the house, any noise coming from anywhere within the house is like non-existent to me. So the clutter sound of my mom preparing breakfast while watching tv didn't make it through my door. It's really quiet once I'm in my room. Quite a plus really as I don't like noise. But too quiet can never be too good either.
Too lazy to take some pics. Maybe later.
IKEA is on sale this month! Been planning to stop by to get some stuff for my new room. I need some storage space for all my little knick knacks. And a bedside table or maybe I just take the round one we have somewhere around the house. Hmm....
Now where would I store all those books??? I need a rack for that.
On another note, Happy Birthday Mueh!!!!
Too lazy to take some pics. Maybe later.
IKEA is on sale this month! Been planning to stop by to get some stuff for my new room. I need some storage space for all my little knick knacks. And a bedside table or maybe I just take the round one we have somewhere around the house. Hmm....
Now where would I store all those books??? I need a rack for that.
On another note, Happy Birthday Mueh!!!!
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