Alright girls, it is important that I announce this one:
Mailing list for has landed on earth
Come join and participate okay. It's new so no activity in there yet but it's coming! If you're in IT, please subscribe as you'll never know. I'm an open source chick but hey girl, no matter what OS you using, as long as you're interested in contributing to the Malaysian open source arena, this could be the first step for you (and surprise surprise you don't even have to be a developer to join). Come and join and make acquaintances. Learn and share knowledge.
[caption id="attachment_1409" align="alignleft" width="125" caption="Cool in-house bunting design using what else, Inkscape!"]
On another note, I want to shamelessly put this here.
Anyway, if you can't see the url, it's Really took a huge amount of courage to put it here. So there it is...
Way to go gl...Go fosschix! Go MyMeeting! The bunting was cool. Too bad the production was a little bit problematic. But thats the printer guy it is just not the important part ;)