- Taglist
- Nerd Tree
- Grep
- snipMate
- phpautocomplete
UPDATE (1/31/2011): my vim stuff is in github
let mapleader = "," " Automatically reload .vimrc when changing autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source! % "-------------------------------------------------- " Character encoding set termencoding=utf-8 set encoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=utf-8 "-------------------------------------------------- " Base settings set nocompatible " We're running Vim, not Vi! syntax on " syntax highlingting set backspace=2 " backspace del all set history=500 " history of commands set autoread " Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside set wmh=0 " minimal number of lines used for any window set nu " show numbers set showcmd " show typed commands in bottom right corcer "--------------------------------------------------- " Indentation and tab related set ai " auto indent set si " smart indent set tabstop=4 " Force tabs to be displayed/expanded to 4 spaces (instead of default 8). set expandtab " Turn Tab keypresses into spaces. You can still insert real Tabs as [Ctrl]-V [Tab]. set shiftwidth=4 " When auto-indenting, indent by this much. " (Use spaces/tabs per "expandtab".) retab " Change all the existing tab characters to match the current tab settings "-------------------------------------------------- " reformat status line set statusline=%<%f (%{&encoding}) %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%) %P " reformat status line set laststatus=2 " always show status line "-------------------------------------------------- " enable filetype filetype plugin on " file type based syntax highliht filetype indent on "-------------------------------------------------- " Searching set sm " jump to matches during entering the pattern set hls " highlight all matches set incsearch " and also during entering the pattern "-------------------------------------------------- " wrap set whichwrap+=<,>,[,] " where wrap long lines set textwidth=2048 " text witdth "set nowrap " do not wrap lines "--------------------------------------------------- " Wild menu options for filename completion set wildmenu " show menu (bash-like) on tab set wildignore=*.o,*~ " ignor on wildmenu set wildmode=longest:full "-------------------------------------------------- " Word completion on <TAB> function! InsertTabWrapper(direction) let col = col('.') - 1 if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ 'k' return "<tab>" elseif "backward" == a:direction return "<c-p>" else return "<c-n>" endif endfunction inoremap <Tab> <C-R>=InsertTabWrapper("backward")<CR> inoremap <S-Tab> <C-R>=InsertTabWrapper("forward")<CR> "-------------------------------------------------- " File tree optins on F7 nnoremap <silent> <F7> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> let NERDTreeMapActivateNode='' "-------------------------------------------------- " Open in last edit place au BufReadPost * if line("'"") > 0 && line("'"") <= line("$") | exe "normal g'"" | endif "-------------------------------------------------- " Syntax coloring (~/.vim/colors/) " available colors: `ls /usr/share/vim/vim??/colors` "colorscheme soruby colorscheme default "--------------------------------------------------- " Ctags options set tags=./tags,tags; nmap <Leader>t :!(cd %:p:h;ctags -f tags -h ".php" -R --exclude=".svn" --totals=yes --tag-relative=yes --fields=+afkst --PHP-kinds=+cf-v)& "--------------------------------------------------- " Taglist options on F8 nnoremap <silent> <F8> :Tlist<CR> " tags list on right window let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 "" set the names of flags let tlist_php_settings = 'php;c:class;f:function;d:constant' " close all folds except for current file let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 1 " " make tlist pane active when opened let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 1 " " width of window let Tlist_WinWidth = 40 " " close tlist when a selection is made "let Tlist_Close_On_Select = 1 "--------------------------------------------------- " Grep options on F3 let Grep_Skip_Dirs = '.svn' let Grep_Default_Filelist = '*.php *.inc *.js *.ini' let Grep_Default_Options = '-i' nnoremap <silent> <F3> :Rgrep<CR> "-------------------------------------------------- " Shortcuts " " comment/uncoment a block map <Leader>/ :s/^//// map <Leader> :s/^//// nmap <Leader>w :w<CR> nmap <Leader>q :q!<CR> imap ;; <Esc>
You should store this in version control. I keep mine on github for everyone to see and copy. Makes it easy to setup my vim on multiple computers easily
ReplyDeleteyea i've seen ppl doing that :) will do the same later